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Available Plans Offering Prescriptions for Less

PrescriptionsWe have all had a shock effect when going up to a checkout counter. Sometimes an item is not on sale as we had originally thought, and other times the price had simply increased, leaving us with the decision whether or not to continue with the purchase. However, when the item is a necessary prescription drug, we do not always have the option not to make the purchase.

Generic drugs typically cost 30% to 80% less than the comparable branded drugs. However, generic drugs are seeing sudden and dramatic price increases.  For example, a cholesterol lowering prescription bottle of Pravastatin that was normally $27.00 has increased to $196.00. For many that depend on this medication on a regular basis, this causes a huge financial hardship.

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4 Dates You Need to Know

aca updates picIs November 15th, 2014 marked on your calendar? If not, it should be.  This is the first day that you are able to begin enrolling and shopping for marketplace plans. Anyone that requires health coverage through the Affordable Care Act, regardless if you already have coverage, or are looking for a new plan, will need to be on the marketplace.

December 15, 2014 is another extremely important deadline. In order for your new coverage to begin by January 1st, you must be enrolled by this date.  If you are confused on how to get Obamacare, let us simplify it for you:

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How Do I Sign Up for Obama Care?

At FHK, We speak health insurance.

It is difficult to understand exactly what the best route is when choosing the best healthcare plan for you and your family to sign up for. Even choosing where to get advice can be a task in itself. How is someone supposed to choose between an agent, navigator, or, or even know what the difference is? Let us set the record straight.

Navigators are people or groups trained to help those looking for coverage. They work with both individuals and businesses. One of the biggest down falls of working with a navigator is their inability to recommend the ideal plan for customers. They must remain unbiased and simply show all of the options without the necessary guidance required to make a decision.

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